

  • Online workshops
  • Online courses
  • Full-day retreats (online and in person)

Topics include (but are not limited to)

  • Self-Care
  • Trauma-Informed Practice
  • Self-Care for Highly Sensitives and Empaths
  • Mindfulness
  • Writing

Past offerings

Johns Hopkins Odyssey Program (2022):



National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-Baltimore (2022-2023)

Self-Care in a Trauma-Informed Framework (for volunteers)
De-excalation and Boundaries Through Trauma-Informed Care (for staff and volunteers)

Endless Exhale

Putting Ourselves First: Creating Self-Care: An online exploration. Especially for Highly Sensitives and Empaths **but open to all**

Self-Care: Simplify and Relax

Writing for Myself: Mindfulness and Journaling

Johns Hopkins and NAMI