Resolutions? Nah…..

eight years ago, long before this website was a remote idea, I wrote this on Facebook:

we make \’resolutions\’, which imply something needs to be fixed. We need to do more of something, or less….have more of something, or less. A more loving thing we can do for ourselves in reflecting on the transition into a new year is to accept wherever we are….let go of what has passed, and also let go of what we expect is to come. Bask in the present. Practice gratitude, and breathe deeply.
I guided the meditation practice in yoga group with this yesterday, in so many words (the guys ATE IT UP), and decided to make it my own commitment to myself. May everyone find their gratitude and acceptance, and the joy that can be in every moment.

When I re-read it just now, I was like…..\”meh.\”

I mean, that\’s nice and all. Perhaps these past two years have worn down some of my defenses, I don\’t know. But I need more REAL now. More grit.
Now, I still don\’t like resolutions.
I still firmly believe that \”resolutions\” have baked-in self-aggression:
something is wrong.
Something is in adequate.
We\’ve come up short.

I found that old post of mine by searching my own FB page…and then I found this, a post I had shared by Jeff Foster from December 28, 2015. (check him out if you are not familiar with his work. Amazing.)z


This year, 
let your precious heart break wide open.
Let disappointments shatter everything 
you once believed was solid and real.
Let your dreams dissolve, 
to reveal a wakefulness beyond mind.
Let your heart be your inner authority, 
and mystery your most dependable guide,
and breath your constant companion.
Let change forever remind you 
of your changeless nature.

Fall willingly into the unknown,
nothing to hold you but the Beloved – 
humbled at last,
awestruck, and free,
this year.
* * * * * * * * * *

Now that is more like it, right?

May you leave in 2018 what no longer serves you, and may 2019 be a year of presence, shattering of illusions, discovery, and yeah, some magic.
And whatever you do-be kind.
Especially to yourselves.

[photo: flowers at Pike Place Market, Seattle, June 2017
photo creds: me]

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